The Rune Transmuter is a prototype created for the Pirate Software - Game Jam 15. The game mechanics are inspired by Vampire Survivor and Magicka. Your goal is to kill various enemies to level up and select new runes, which you can combine to create new spells. After each round, you select a reward and can start the next round. Once you reach round 10, you win the game.

The type of spell is always determined by the second rune in the spell slot. At level 3, you unlock the second spell slot. The shadow is constantly decreasing around you, but you can cast light spells (Q) to increase light and reduce the shadow.

Movement & Casting:

  • Left Mouse Click or Hold to move around.
  • Spells are automatically cast.
  • Q, W, E, R to cast runes. You start with only Q and unlock new runes with each level.
  • At level 3, you get 2 spell slots, and at level 7, you get a 3rd spell slot, allowing you to combine runes for new spells.

Assets and Files:


Game Design Document


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Nicely done, the aura are busted though !

ty :D try earth water combo